Having One Source of Light
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Having One Source of Light

We usually spend the vast majority of our time and effort while doing our home’s interior design, in choosing furniture pieces, having a décor to match with the trend and defiantly make the place appear spacious.

But have you done all this and your place seems to be telling you that you’re missing out on something which you can’t really put your hands on.

Your place might be lacking sources to light up the space properly. This is a mistake that might seem obvious and naïve. However, you’ll be astonished by the huge impact it has when its properly set.

While you’re still planning on how to light up your home, the most important point to notice is how much space you need to fill. Having one light source in a room might be practical but its never enough to equally brighten the entire room.

Here are 4 easy tips on how to resolve this:


TIP #1 Layer the lights

Layering your light is an effective technique to bring your interior décor to life, give it more depth and complexity when proper illumination is used. The main source of light doesn’t have to be an overhead fixture. Layering variety of lights all around the room will give the feeling of coziness and warmth.

There are three types of layering lights

  • Ambient lighting

A living room, for example, should include enough ambient light to get around

  • Accent lighting

Accent lighting to bring the eye to particularly impressive design elements like sculptures or paintings

  • Task lighting

Task lighting can be used for reading.


TIP #2 Mix light sources

Try not to fear having a few light sources. It's smarter to blend crystal fixtures and floor lights and have a very much enlightened room than having just one light source and live in the dimness. Blending light sources is the best approach to get warm insides.


TIP #3 Use dimmers

We all know how expensive the electricity bills are so using dimmers will help you save energy and its great for setting a mood.

TIP #4 Recessed lighting

If you don’t like having a crowded ceiling suspension lightning can be a great and functional idea for bathrooms and laundry rooms. For the living room for example, floor lamps would be a great option.